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محادثات متنوعة

محادثة في المطار

A: I'd like to book a flight to Tokyo please.
B: Which airline would you like to use?
A: Which is the cheapest?
B: When do you want to travel?
A: Next week, the 15th.
B: Would you like a return ticket?
A: Yes, I'm coming back on the 30th.
B: Let me see....... ABC costs £299.00, but you have to transfer at Hong Kong. XYZ is the cheapest direct flight at £349.00, both tourist class of course.
A: How long does the ABC flight take?
B: Total time is 15 hours, XYZ takes 11 hours.
A: I may as well go with XYZ then.
B: How many seats would you like?
A: Just the one, and could I have vegetarian meals?
B: Certainly, there's no extra charge.

At the check-in desk

C: Good morning, may I have your ticket please?
D: Certainly. Can I take this as hand luggage?
C: Yes, that'll be fine.
D: And can I have an aisle seat in the smoking section?
C: I'm afraid this is a non-smoking flight sir. But you can have an aisle seat. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
D: Thank you.

At passport control 

E: May I see your passport please?
F: Here you are.
E: What is the purpose of your visit?
F: I'm on business.
E: How long will you be staying?
F: Fifteen days.
E: Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.

At customs

G: Do you have anything to declare, sir?
H: Just cigarettes.
G: How many cigarettesdo you have?
H: I have 20 packets.
G: I'm afraid you're only allowed 280 cigarettes. You'll have to pay duty on the rest.
H: Oh! How much is it?
G: It's £12.00 plus V.A.T. A total of £14.10.
H: Here you are.

محادتة في التخطيط للذهاب لمكان ما

A: Let's go to a movie together.
B: I'd love to. When shall we go?
A: How about next Friday evening?
B: Let me see..... Oh, I am sorry, I'm having dinner with a friend.
A: How about the following Tuesday?
B: That'd be great. What shall we see?
A: Star Wars?
B: No, that's boring. How about Austin Powers?
A: Sounds good to me. When shall we meet?
B: Seven? In the Kent Tavern?
A: Great, see you there.

A: Would you like to come to a movie with me?
B: When do you want to go?
A: How about next Friday evening?
B: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm having dinner with a friend.
A: How about the following Tuesday?
B: I go to evening class on Tuesdays.
A: Oh, maybe some other time?
B: Yeah, I'll give you a call

محادثة عند استعارة شيء

S: Dad.Can I borrow the car tomorrow
F: Why do you want to borrow the car 
S: I'm going to the beach with Hamad.
F: Last time you borrowed it you had an accident and dented the door.
S: I promise I'll drive carefully this time.
F: And the petrol tank was almost empty.
S: I'll fill it up before I get home.
F: Well, OK then, provided you're home by 8. I'm going out tomorrow evening and I need the car.
S: Great. Thanks dad, I'll be home by 7:30


في البنك

Opening an account

A: Good morning, can I help you
B: Yes, I'd like to open a deposit account.
A: Certainly Sir. Would you like a Silver or a Gold account?
B: What's the difference?
A: You can open a Silver account with just £5. The account comes with a cash card so you can withdraw your money at any time. The Silver account currently pays 5% interest. For the Gold account you need a minimum of £500, and you have to give 14 days notice to withdraw money. The interest rate is 6.5%.
B: I'll go for the Silver account.
A: How much would you like to deposit
B: £500
A: And we'll need two proofs of ID; telephone bill, driving licence, credit card statement etc.
B: I'm sorry, I don't have any of those on me. I'll come back tomorrow.

Applying for a mortgage C: Good morning, I'm the manager, how can I help you
D: We'd like to apply for a mortgage.
C: Have you found a property you're interested in
D: Yes we have.
C: How much would you like to borrow
D: Well, the property is £75,000, but we have a deposit of £25,000
C: So you need a £50,000 loan. Do you have an account with this bank?
D: Yes, we both have accounts here. I've had my account for over fifteen years.
C: How much do you both earn
D: I earn £15,000 pa and my wife earns £12,500.
C: That's fine. Now Would you like to complete this form.........
محادثة في محل ملابس

A: May I help you?
C: Yes, I'm looking for a pair of trousers. 
A: What colour would you like?
C: Black.
A: And what size are you?
C: I'm not sure. Can you measure me?
A: [measures customer] You're 34" waist. How about these?
C: What material are they?
A: Wool.
C: Have you got anything in cotton?
A: Yes, these.
C: Can I try them on?
A: Of course. The fitting room's over there.
C: [tries trousers] They're a little long. Have you got anything shorter?
A: These are shorter.
C: I'll take them.
Unknown Unknown Author
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