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بعض الكلمات التي غالبا ما تنطق خاطئة في اللغة الانجليزية. / Commonly Mispronounced Words

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪mispronounced-words-1‬‏

احببت ان اشارككم مجموعة من الكلمات في اللغة الانجليزية التي غالبا ما تقرأ وتنطق من قبل بعض مرتادي تعلم اللغة الانجليزية ,
بل يتعدى الامر الى اكثر من ذلك ويصل الى حتى الناطقون باللغة الانجليزية والتي تعتبر الانجليزية لغتا رسمية للبلاد شأن ذلك كل من الولايات المتحدة الامريكية والمملكة المتحدة واستراليا.
فتابعو معي جيدا .

  1. Dengue: This disease is pronounced as Deng-ee(pronunciation of 'gee' as in geese). It is not Deng-goo. People all over the world mispronounce this word - after all it is not indigenous to most of us. But there have been so many cases in India recently (unfortunately) that this is good to know.
  2. Dessert: It is pronounced dizz-urt, (pronunciation of u as in sun). You would order dessert at a restaurant. It sounds different from desert (with one s) which is the pronounced dez-ert (as in Thar desert).
  3. Bowl: It is pronounced bohl(rhyming with pole). Not as ba-ool which sounds very funny (and in fact sounds too much like bowel).
  4. Truth: It is pronounced true-th and not tru-th (long 'oo' not short 'u'). The same actually goes for the word tooth (it's not tu-th)
  5. Epitome: The correct pronunciation is ep-i-tummy, instead of what people, and again this is people everywhere, usually end up saying, epi-tome(rhyming with Rome).
  6. Executive: Should be pronounced eggs-eck-uh-tiv, not exe-cute-tiv which is commonly heard. If you especially want to be a top executive at a major corporation - saying this word correctly would seem quite important.
  7. Develop: The correct pronunciation is dih-vel-up, and not as day-vuh-lupp. Extending that to
  8. Pizza: The correct pronunciation is peet-za, (peed pronounced as in weed). And not pi-za.
  9. Wednesday: wen's day is the correct way of saying the name of this day (the D is usually silent).
  10. Opposite: Instead of uh-pose-itit should be pronounced awp-uh-zit. The emphasis is on the first syllable 'opp'. The same goes for the word 'opportunity' which is not up-port-unity but awp-urt-tune-ity
  11. Biology: Once again, the first syllable 'bi' gets emphasis. Where we usually say bio-logy, it is instead more proper to say bai-awe-lojy. Other 'ology' words are the same - geology is jee-awe-logy, cosmology is cos-maw-logy, even the made-up wordfakeology or phekology should  be pronounced phek-awe-logy,not pheko-logy. 
  12. Monk: It should be pronounced munk (rhyme with drunk). It is often mispronounced mawnk(rhyme with donk from donkey).
  13. Genre: The correct pronunciation has a soft j, like the French say it. jon-ruh, (j is the sound as in vision). It is often mispronounced as jen-ner. 
  14. Quote: The correct pronunciation is kwo-te. It is often pronounced as coat.
  15. Salon: It should be pronounced as sa-lawn, (sa as in apple, lon as in John) It is often pronounced as suh-loon which is incorrect.
  16. Police: The correct pronunciation is puh-leece. It is often mispronounced aspu-liss. 
  17. Gauge: The correct pronunciation is gay-j. It is often mispronounced asgauj.
  18. Pronunciation : Ironically, the word 'pronunciation' itself if often mispronounced as pro-noun-ciation (the second syllable should be 'nun' not noun). It should be pro-nun-ciation.

"Antartic" for Antarctic
"aks" for ask
"dialate" for dilate
"excape" for escape
"expresso" for espresso
"excetera" for et cetera
"Febyuary" for February
"jewlery" for jewelry
"libary" for library
"perogative" for prerogative
"perscription" for prescription
"pitcher" for picture
"probly" or "prolly" for probably
"realator" for realtor
"sherbert" for sherbet
"silicone" for silicon
"supposably" for supposedly
"upmost" for utmost

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